Izzo, Ezilo Communities Extols Gov. Nwifuru For Embarking On Housing Project For Displaced Persons

By Celestine Okeh, Abakaliki

The people of Izzo and Ameze Ezilo automous  communities in Ishielu Local Government Area has expressed joy over the ongoing housing project embarked upon by the state Governor, Rt Hon Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru for the displaced people of the two autonomous communities.
Leaders of both communities made the expression, Thursday, at the sites of the estate during a joint ministerial site inspection led by the Commissioner for Housing and Urban development, Engr Francis Ori.

Welcoming the commissioners, the president General Izzo autonomous community, Mr Ojogu Samuel Ikechukwu appreciated the state Governor, Rt Hon Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru for keeping to his promise of kicking off the estate within his one hundred days in office, stressing that the governor has restored life back to his people with that singular act.
He prayed God to bless and protect the governor and his cabinet as they drive the reality, assuring that his people will ensure peace and security in the area and according him, the security workers and materials will be guaranteed one hundred percent.
"What we are seeing today has shown us that our Governor is someone that keeps promise. He made us to know that within his one hundred days in office Izzo autonomous community will smile, in less than two months we have started smiling. The information we are passing across today is that our Governor has restored life in Izzo autonomous community and our prayer is that for this project, his Government and his functionaries will see good things in their lives and every person in Izzo will live to see this project and rejoice in the end. Our prayer is that nothing will stop this project. One thing we're also assuring the government that when it comes to security, we give you one hundred percent assurance, that both the material and people that are working will work safely".
On his part, the president General Ameze Ezilo autonomous community, Hon. Ali Daniel Ogbuzuru said,  "we are very very happy and we have shown our happiness from the very day you invited us to your office. We cannot afford to go back to Egypt. We need this peace. Peace is what everybody is yearning for and the peace that has been enthroned by the immediate past Government is being made permanent now by the incumbent Government, so, we are embracing the peace with our two hands widely opened to accommodate it. So, carry our message back to His Excellency that we are happy with him. We're always very lucky. Any new Government that is coming in starts its project with us. The immediate past Government planted a peace tree in the headquarters of Ishielu Local Government and when you go to that tree even during the dry season, it is as green as if it is being watered that shows that peace have come to stay in Ishielu. Now this Government coming in remembered us again and it is starting with us, of course, it is commonly said that a promise fulfilled is a promise kept. So, he is fulfilling the promise made by the immediate past Government. So, we are embracing it with our two hands. We are assuming you that till the end of this project and thereafter, we will maintain peace. We will ensure that peace reigns more than ever before in Ezilo. You know too well that if there's peace in Ameze Ezilo, there's peace in every other parts of Ebonyi state. We can't afford to be dragging ourselves with unnecessary issues".
Earlier, the Commissioner for Housing and Urban development, Engr Francis Ori said, the team on the project site to inspect the progress of work. 

He emphasized that the project is first project of His Excellency, the Governor and that the estate is designed to have all the social amenities found in a modern estate.

He encourage them to continue to live in peace and support Government to actualize the project.

"We're here to let you know that the project has commenced. Like I always say, this is a comprehensive Government project. Other ministries will be coming in from time to time to do their assignment here. And like I told us, this is going to be a modern estate that all the social amenities will be here. We have roads, we have water and every other things that will make people living here to live comfortably. I want you for your cooperation and support. From the first day we started stakeholders consultation, from the first day we visited this place and agreed that this project will be sited here and the first day the machine arrived and work start, you people have been wonderful and I pray that almighty God will help to see that this project is completed".
On their parts, the Commissioner for information and state orientation, Engr Jude Okpor and his border peace and conflict resolution counterpart Dr Donatus Ilang, Commended the people for the peace they have maintained so far, urging them to continue in the path of peace as no development can occur in a crises-ridden area.

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