Get Our Primary Education Working Again - Gov Nwifuru Charges UBEB Members

By Celestine Okeh, Abakaliki

Governor Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru of Ebonyi State has given marching order to the newly constituted members of the Universal Basic Education Board UBEB, to put up their thinking caps and work hard in repositioning the primary Education system in the school.

Governor Nwifuru gave the marching order this Thursday while swearing in the Chairman and members of the State Universal Basic Education Board, UBEB.

The Board which has a former House of Representatives member, Rt Hon Patience Ogodo as its Chairman, also has other members which include Chief Samuel Okoronkwo, Member   one ; Mr. Chijioke Nwuzor, Member Two ; Right Honourable Julius Nwokpor, Member Three; Dr. Livinus Ezeuwa-- Secretary among others.

Addressing the appointees, Governor Nwifuru charged them to get cracking in order to reposition the State's Basic Education sector for optimum results.

"I am Most delighted this morning, it is a joyous moment for me because I have done what I feel is right to do.

"So I enjoin the appointees, change the notion and get our primary education to work again, that is the challenge to the Board.

"Let my excitement this morning not be in vain, make me and Ebonyians happy by discharging your duties effectively.

"Our job is to work for our people and give them what they need, our people don't need much and the State has all it takes to make everybody happy and because the State has all it takes, Government should step up their duties."

Responding on-behalf of the appointees, the Board Chairman, Right Honourable Patience Ogodo thanked the Governor for finding them worthy to serve and assured that they would deliver on their mandate.

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