Fed Lawmaker To Facilitate Release, Empowerment Of Repentant Inmates

By Celestine Okeh, Abakaliki

Member of the House of Representatives, Rt Hon Chinedu Ogah, has promised to facilitate the release and empowerment of some repentant inmates at Abakaliki and Afikpo correctional centres in Ebonyi State.

Hon. Ogah, who is the member representing Ikwo/Ezza South Federal Constituency made the promise on Wednesday during a visit to Abakaliki and Afikpo correctional centers  as part of events to mark his 47th birthday anniversary celebration.

Ogah reminded the inmates that the they are there for correctional purposes and urged them to turn a new leave and be re-integrated into the society, reiterating his willingness to synergize with the state Government and other relevant authorities to secure the release and empowerment of some of the awaiting trial inmates who have  genuinely repented of their crimes.

He also directed his Special Assistant on project to liase with the prison's authority and commence the roofing of one of the cell destroyed by windstorm.

Hon Ogah also picked interest in one of female inmate with a baby and urged the authorities to send her case file for immediate attention for the sake of the baby.

Ogah, accompanied by his wife, and cheering supporters visited the  at Old People’s Home, Artisans and Orphanage Home in Abakaliki, where he distributed food items, drinks, clothes, toiletries and cash to them.

Hon. Chinedu Ogah
Addressing the people, Ogah explained that the event is held annually, through the motivation of his wife. He thanked the people for their efforts during the election, which led to APC winning at all levels.

The lawmaker donated food items, cash, sewing machine and other relief items to Abakaliki and Afikpo correctional centres. He urged the inmates to be courageous, not to loose hope as they will regain freedom soon. He charged them to change for the better and believe that they can still become better individuals, who will be useful to themselves, family and society.

In their separate responses, the heads of the Nigerian Red Cross Society, (Orphanage home), Old Peoples home and Correctional Centers in their separate speech, appreciated Hon. Ogah for his benevolence and prayed for God’s blessings upon him and his family as the inmates sing in appreciation to his benevolent to the people.

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