Children's Day: Edda DC Coordinator Distributes Instructional Material To Public Schools

By Our Reporter, Abakaliki

The Coordinator, Edda Development Center, Hon Ajunwa Okoroafor (Mayor) has kicked off the distribution of Instructional Material to pupils and students of public primary and secondary Schools within the development center.

This was part of the activities to mark the 2024 Children's Day celebration in the area.
In his address to mark the 2024 children's day celebration held at Egbebu Central School, Ekoli Edda, Edda Local Government Area of the state, Hon. Ajunwa said the essence of distributing the Instructional material is to enhance teaching and learning in the school and in recognition of the important role education plays in the society as the bedrock for a sustainable development.

The Coordinator added that he has set up committe to take a holistic survey of challenges of various schools in the area assuring that he will soon embark on renovation of the dillapidated structures in various schools in the development center.

He said, "It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to this epoch making event marking the 2024 Children's Day Celebration. It is indeed an annual event set aside to review government policies and programs aimed at securing a guaranteed future for our children. 

"In recognition of the important role education plays in the society as the bedrock for a sustainable development, my administration has taken fundamental steps in creating a conducive environment for effective teaching and learning in our school system. To this end, Edda Development Centre will henceforth commence the distribution of instructional materials to pupils and students such as text books, customized exercise books, biro pens and pencils which will kick-start today after the ceremony as a way of stepping down the policies and programs of His Excellency, the Governor of Ebonyi State, Rt. Hon. Bldr, Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru at the grassroots.
"At this juncture, I want to let you know that am conscious of the fact that some of our schools are in a sorry state because of dilapidated classroom blocks. The delay in the renovation of the affected schools is basically because my administration is barely four months old which certainly  did not give me enough time to do anything meaningful in that regard particularly against the backdrop that I also have to attend to other pressing needs.

"However, I have set up a Committee to carry out a holistic survey of problems affecting all the schools in the Development Centre because of the high premium I attach to education. The report of the Committee will serve as a guide in determining whatever action that will be taken in our school system in the coming days. 
"Permit me to use this unique opportunity to make few observations. In any case, I discovered on assumption of office that some villages within my area of jurisdiction did not have solar energy streetlights. Consequently, I immediately swung into action in a bid to light up the affected areas. Today, I am glad to inform you that we have commenced action on the installation of solar energy streetlights from Ugwuelu to Libolo Edda and at Amamini, Ugwu-Ufie and Nguzu Edda respectively. And we are optimistic that all the villages in Edda Development Centre will enjoy streetlights before the end of the year. 
"It is also important that I commend workers of the Development Centre for their dedication to duty. To this end, I want to state unequivocally that workers' welfare remains my topmost priority taking into cognizance that a motivated staff would always put in his or her best. I have demonstrated this by being the first Coordinator in the state to pay the first 28 days allowance in lieu of hotel accommodation to officers on transfer to the Development Centre including payment of other incentives to the staff to enhance their productivity.
"On the other hand, I am mindful of the fact  that this occasion does not afford us the ample opportunity to blow our trumpet on our modest achievements so far in all spheres of human endeavors since the inception of my administration. However, I think it is expedient to highlight some of these achievements to include: construction of retaining wall to safeguard the Development Centre Secretariat from erosion menace, replacement of all damaged or fallen electric poles along Ekoli/Nguzu road and a clearly mapped out plan to make all roads in the Centre all season's roads among others. 

"Furthermore, I want to thank the Royal Fathers in a special way for maintaining peace in their domain. Therefore, I wish to assure them of our willingness to give them the desired support at all times as well as the readiness of the Centre to accord them all rights and privileges due for their office. 
"Finally, I wish to reassure our children of the unwavering commitment of my administration to reposition the education sector as a way of encouraging them to realize their positive dreams and vibrant hopes. 

"Once again, I thank immensely all the people who are gathered here today for finding time to grace this occasion despite their other engagements. May God Almighty grant you all journey mercies as you return to your destinations".
High point of the celebration was match pass, distribution of study materials, cultural display,  award of prizes to outstanding Pupils and students among other things.

There were also good will messages from Stakeholders and parents.

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