The A-Z of intimacy in marriage

A: Always love your spouse.
B: Believe in each other. 
C: Celebrate each other often. 
D: Don't argue but always reason together. 
E: Expect imperfections from your spouse. 
F: Fix solutions to problems on time. 
G: Go for a walk together once a week. 
H: Hold each other's hands often. 
I: Ignite the passion in your spouse daily. 
J: Just laugh over issues worth criticizing. 
K: Kill the spirit of unhealthy competition. 
L: Let your spouse know your movements. 
M: Make love like newly weds. 
N: No separate room for you both. 
O: Oppose any intruder or third party.
P: Pray together always. 
Q: Quality time should be spent together. 
R: Resist every temptation of infidelity. 
S: Stay positive to each other's vision. 
T: Take no record of past offence. 
U: Utilize every opportunity to bond. 
V: Visualize a glorious future together. 
W: Win each other's admiration daily. 
X: X-ray your lives together. 
Y: Yell not at each other for any reason.
Z: Zip your mouth when you're angry.

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